Selamat Datang

"Keluarga... setiap hari penuh dengan cerita.. Selamat datang di blog yang berisi cerita seputar keluarga dengan ungkapan kata-kata yang penuh arti...

Semoga Bermanfaat...

Rabu, 11 Juni 2008

Tag From Novy n mbak Dwi Wulan...

Dapet Tag dari mbak dwi wulan n nyambung dari novy yogja. AKu coba jawab deh...

  1. What do you want for your birthday? surprise from my family (specially from my husband)
  2. Who will be your next kiss? my husband of course n my kids too..
  3. When was the last time you when to the mall? two weeks ago
  4. Are you wearing socks right now? no
  5. How did you spend your summer? no idea
  6. Have you been to the cinema in the last 5 days?no in the last i watched Ayat-ayat Cinta
  7. What was the last thing you had to drink? hot orange juice
  8. What are you wearing right now? casual dress
  9. What was your last purchase? blouse
  10. What was you’re the last food you ate? nasi + ikan asin + tempe goreng + lalap + sambel enak...
  11. Who would be the person you would call if you were up in the middle of the night and couldn’t sleep? my husband
  12. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week? yes
  13. Do you have a pet? no
  14. What made you laugh in the last 5 days? My kids
  15. If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be? near by my family (my husband and my kids)
  16. What is the last thing you purchased online? i never did it
  17. One thing you hate about yourself? i can not say "no" if someone need me
  18. Do you miss anyone? yes, i miss my kids when i am busy to work
  19. What are your plans for the day? vacation
  20. Last person you msg’d? uakeh...
  21. Ever went to a camp? yes when i am still young
  22. Are you a good student in school? insya Allah yes...
  23. What do you know about the (your) future? be better life than now
  24. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne? yes n special for my husband
  25. Where is/are your best friend/s right know? i have many best friend n they are in many cities

2 komentar:

Novy Chrystiana mengatakan...

hehehehe....sayang suami semua deh kita-kita ini! sip! sip!

Anonim mengatakan...

Iyalah... masa iya dong..
kan mulan jamila..
masa jamidong...

Jadi isteri itu sayang suami dulu baru orang tua n anak-anak